Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI) Models

Annotation for Transparent Inquiry (ATI) is a flexible approach to making publications based on qualitative research more transparent. ATI builds on Active Citation, an earlier approach to achieving transparency in qualitative research pioneered by Andy Moravcsik.

As part of the ATI Initiative, QDR has commissioned a number of ATI pilots that can serve as models, listed below. We have also converted one previous Active Citation Compilation to the new ATI format to illustrate its application to a working paper.

* indicates that accessing the annotations requires the Chrome browser with the Hypothesis extension installed.

Article Citation ATI Link
Arrey, Agnes Ebotabe, Johan Bilsen, Patrick Lacor, and Reginald Deschepper. 2017. “Perceptions of Stigma and Discrimination in Health Care Settings towards Sub-Saharan African Migrant Women Living with Hiv/Aids in Belgium: A Qualitative Study.” Journal of Biosocial Science 49 (5): 578–96. Arrey et al. ATI
Gans-Morse, Jordan. 2017. “Demand for Law and the Security of Property Rights: The Case of Post-Soviet Russia.” American Political Science Review 111 (2): 338–59. Gans-Morse ATI
Hamilton, Melissa. 2019. “Debating Algorithmic Fairness.” UC Davis Law Review Online 52: 261–96. Hamilton ATI
Kreuzer, Marcus. 2019. “The Structure of Description: Evaluating Descriptive Inferences and Conceptualizations.” Perspectives on Politics 17 (1): 122–39. Kreuzer ATI
Masullo, Juan. 2021. “Civilian contention in civil war: How ideational factors shape community responses to armed groups.” Comparative Political Studies 54 (10): 1849–84. Masullo ATI
Mayka, Lindsay. 2021. “The Power of Human Rights Frames in Urban Security: Lessons from Bogotá.” Comparative Politics 54 (1). Mayka ATI
Moorlock, Greg, James Neuberger, Simon Bramhall, and Heather Draper. 2016. “An Empirically Informed Analysis of the Ethical Issues Surrounding Split Liver Transplantation in the United Kingdom.” Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 25 (3): 435–47. Moorlock et al. ATI
Musgrave, Paul, and Daniel H. Nexon. 2018. “Defending Hierarchy from the Moon to the Indian Ocean: Symbolic Capital and Political Dominance in Early Modern China and the Cold War.” International Organization. Musgrave et al. ATI
O’Mahoney, Joseph. 2017. “Making the Real: Rhetorical Adduction and the Bangladesh Liberation War.” International Organization 71 (2): 317–48. O'Mahoney ATI
Paglayan, Agustina S. 2021. “The Non-Democratic Roots of Mass Education: Evidence from 200 Years.” American Political Science Review 115 (1): 179–98. Paglayan ATI
Pedriana, Nicholas, and Robin Stryker. 2017. “From Legal Doctrine to Social Transformation? Comparing U.S. Voting Rights, Equal Employment Opportunity, and Fair Housing Legislation.” American Journal of Sociology 123 (1): 86–135. Pedriana et al. ATI
Pierskalla, Jan, Alexander De Juan, and Max Montgomery. 2017. “The Territorial Expansion of the Colonial State: Evidence from German East Africa 1890–1909.” British Journal of Political Science 49 (2): 1–27. Pierskalla et al. ATI
Purtle, Jonathan, Rachel Peters, Jennifer Kolker, and Ann C. Klassen. 2017. “Factors Perceived as Influencing Local Health Department Involvement in Mental Health.” American Journal of Preventive Medicine 52 (1): 64–73. Purtle et al. ATI*
Ramírez Stege, Alyssa M., and Kristin Elizabeth Yarris. 2017. “Culture in La Clínica: Evaluating the Utility of the Cultural Formulation Interview (CFI) in a Mexican Outpatient Setting.” Transcultural Psychiatry 54 (4): 466–87. Ramírez Stege et al. ATI*
Skarbek, David. 2016. “Covenants without the Sword? Comparing Prison Self-Governance Globally.” American Political Science Review 110 (4): 845–62. Skarbek ATI
Smith, Jennifer, and Sophie Holmes-Elliott. 2017. “The Unstoppable Glottal: Tracking Rapid Change in an Iconic British Variable.” English Language & Linguistics, January, 1–33. Smith et al. ATI
Swenson, Geoffrey. 2017. “Why U.S. Efforts to Promote the Rule of Law in Afghanistan Failed.” International Security 42 (1): 114–51. Swenson ATI*
Tabatabai, Ariane M., and Annie Tracy Samuel. 2017. “What the Iran-Iraq War Tells Us about the Future of the Iran Nuclear Deal.” International Security 42 (1): 152–85. Tabatabai et al. ATI*
Tidy, Joanna. 2017. “Visual Regimes and the Politics of War Experience: Rewriting War ‘from above’ in WikiLeaks’ ‘Collateral Murder.’” Review of International Studies 43 (1): 95–111. Tidy ATI
This ATI project is a working paper hosted by the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, Notre Dame University, that was originally an Active Citation Compilation that QDR converted to an ATI Data Project.  
Handlin, Sam. 2014. “The Politics of Polarization: Governance and Party System Change in Latin America, 1990–2010.” Kellogg Institute Working Paper 401. Notre Dame, IN: The Kellogg Institute for International Studies. Handlin ATI

If you have any questions or problems accessing any of the projects please contact QDR.